The Essential Leader (half day or full day)


In a recent TV episode, a lawyer saw the world as she knows it crumbling and declared ‘at least we still have the law’.  In the next episode the law came under attack and a new question was asked, if we don’t have the law what do we have?  Her reply was ‘justice’

At our essence, each one of us has an inner sense of ‘justice’.  We all have an inner knowing of truth. We know when we have received a wrong mark’ and when we have been treated honourably or not.  The Essential Leader brings us back to the essence of who we really are and why we are really here.    In these times.  With these people.  It is about finding that place of truth, justice and genuine knowing in ourselves, at our core, so we can stand as leaders.

The Essential Leader is a daring new program that weaves multiple modalities including quantum physics, science fiction, medical science, spirituality and storytelling.  Using stimulating research, guided visualization, reflective journaling, active experimentation we will give and receive feedback affecting positive change.


  • Discern how you know that you ‘know’
  • Align your ‘knowing’ with your values
  • Clarify personal leadership goals, message and offerings
  • Identify old tapes and limiting beliefs
  • Practice techniques to overcome resistance
  • Activate an ‘impossible’ dream
  • Discover power of giving and receiving feedback
  • Re-design your personal story of leadership 


  • Guided visualization
  • Pineal gland
  • Frequencies, brain waves and electrical etherics
  • Impact of holograms and fractals
  • Real benefit of the reflection