Leslie Robinson, MA (Adult Ed)
250-595-6602 and 403-863-1164
Hi, I’m Leslie! I hold a Masters degree in Adult Education from the University of Victoria, have been a facilitator of positive change since 1980, designing, delivering, facilitating workshops and coaching individuals and groups. I am a pre-approved vendor on the Prov of BC Corporate Supply Arrangement: Learning and Development vendor # CS-000921, my registered Canadian GST business number is 8977 97932, and I hold $2 million in commercial general liability insurance with Federated Insurance. Some of my recent clients include:
Instructional Skills, Facilitator Skills and Trainer Development Workshops
BC Wildfire Services, Northern Lights College, Georgian College, Vancouver Coastal Health, Aurora College, Delta Police, Victoria Police, Kamloops Fire Centre, Independent Investigators of BC, BC Housing, University of Toronto, Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, GoToFirstAid, Royal Roads University, American Avalanche Research and Education, Med Vets, University of Victoria’s Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education, Camosun College, North Island College, Santa Rosa College, Public Service Agency of BC FDW, Canadian Navy.
Training in Power Academy
Adapted, designed and delivered courses to raise consciousness using meditation. Regularly teach multiple courses a year enriching health, longevity, manifestation, using meditation, power transference and vibrational psychology.
Calgary Board of Education
Multiple personal development workshops each year including Kairos Blanket Exercises increasing Indigenous Awareness, Moving Beyond Bullying, Diversity and Respecting Differences, Communication, Powering Up Our Lives, Resilience.
Royal Roads University
Multiple workshops including Appreciative Leadership with Township of Langley employees, senior staff from BC Government, City of Victoria and Vancouver Island Health Authority. Facilitated inquiry into Gender Equity in International Development with First Nations Elders and Members of Parliament present. Victoria MP, Denise Savoie, used group ‘dreams’ to introduce bill on Gender Equity in House of Commons.
Alberta Civil Liberties Research Council
Facilitated Appreciative Inquiry into resilience during succession planning for aging staff, re-assigning geographical regions and staff requirements.
Faith Communities
Facilitated resilience, strategic and succession planning for multiple groups including Unitarian Church, Alliance for the Common Good, Roman Catholic Women Priests Canada, Yoga MCC, Roman Catholic Women Priests Mid West USA. Co-ordinated and facilitated international retreat and ordination of first Canadian
bishop – 150 participants and ordination for 250 with media.
Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST
Facilitated four-day Appreciative Inquiry into values, mission and internal relations with leadership team based in remote areas in Nepal, Ethiopia, and Columbia.
Facilitating conversations
Altalink, Pincher Creek – contentious between landowners and governing body. City of Calgary Flood Mitigation – televised, 275 people shift anger to trust CoolAid Housing for Homeless, Victoria – volatile public meeting resulting in plan WorkSafe BC – 3-day retreat of provincial directors resulting in strategic plan Health Canada – facilitated resilience over 2- days for 250 First Nations and Inuit Nurses, resulting in multiple initiatives, and collaborations across Canada. Gather the Women, Int’l Women’s Day – resulting in 3-day retreat with speakers including Jean Shinoda-Bolen.
Training in Power Academy
Regularly teach multiple courses a year in manifestation, health, and reclaiming who you really are using meditation, power transference and vibrational psychology.
Teaching Tourism
Developed and delivered career prep programs and course materials for high school and college teachers across Canada. Co-produced 9 Tourism Career Samplers with provincial teacher and organizations.
Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education (CACE), University of Victoria
Advising on and contributing to program development of consortium of universities in Western Canada. Pioneering online delivery before the internet (!). Developed course materials for core courses including Program Planning in Adult Learning and Facilitating of Adult Learning plus multiple workshops for 20 years.